Category Archives: Roadside Notes

What a Day on the Road!

Prayed with a lady who is fearful because they’re buying and moving into their first home, prayed with someone whose scared of a bad diagnosis from the doctor, prayed for someone else having complications of stress affecting her health, prayed with someone who was grieving because they had lost someone dear to their family, prayed with someone who is just trying to deal with changes in life–even though they’re for the better, change isn’t easy. Prayed with someone having complications from surgery, prayed for a woman whose stress is over the top about finances, prayed for someone going through a divorce with an abusive husband. Got to pray with a person who is about to take a trip to visit family which usually entails dealing with self-centered and difficult family members, got to pray with someone dealing with the effects of domestic violence in their family. We ourselves could use prayer as both us have been under the weather for about a week. We are excited to watch the Lord meet all these needs. No matter what anyone is going through, Jesus is the source of all we need!

New Arrival!

Today a box full of Beanie Babies arrived! Thank you Kendra!! We use the Beanie Babies on the roadside. Every person that receives the Lord gets a Beanie Baby to take home. We write the date on the heart shaped tag attached to each Beanie Baby. This is so the person will never forget the day they accepted Jesus into their heart! Over the past 15 years we have handed out around a thousand! Some people have cried as they pick one out! Some people have stopped a year later and said I still have my Beanie Baby!!!

Weather Isn’t Cooperating!

Well, another week goes by with more snow, then melting snow making roadside inches deep in water and slush, now more wind and snow coming in! But God always has people who need ministry and the roadside isn’t always on the “road!” It’s wherever God highlights a person and asks us to speak to him or her. We encourage you as well to keep your eyes open for those people who need you! I heard from a friend the other day whom God used in the hospital while she was awaiting the outcome of a procedure being done on her son. Another woman in the waiting room badly need our friend to minister to her which she did and both women were blessed. God is so good!

Back Out Monday!

We ran into insurance issues on the trailer and just received approval from a different company effective Monday. We also ordered a second heater which arrives this afternoon. It has continued to be cold and windy this week with some snowfall. A storm is expected over the weekend. But we anticipate being out on the roadside next week!

Blown Off the Road

We’ve only been able to go out once this week so far due to high winds. We have had sustained of 30+ mph plus wind gusts of 50-75 mph! Wintry, blustery days as many of you are experiencing as well! We were out for 3 hours Monday but when the winds started, we felt like we were on a roller coaster!

1st Day out update!

Today the Lord said to be set up with our brand new Mobile Free Prayer Center in the Florissant pullout at 11:00 am. We pulled into the pullout and turned on the heat in the trailer and dropped down the back door ramp and almost exactly 5 minutes later a pickup truck pulled in! A young guy around 20 years old got out and walked into the trailer and said, “Is this for real? It says Free Prayer on the outside of the trailer?” We said yes it is! He said, “This is cool!” We talked for ten minutes or so and he received the Lord into his heart! He took a Bible and a CD of my sermon “The Brobdingnagian of God”. He was baptized with the Holy Spirit and we prayed for healing to his injured knee! God is so amazing to christen the new trailer with someone getting saved! Thank You Lord! Then a freak snowstorm moved in 10 minutes later and the trailer was covered inside with snow so we came home! We are totally confident that this is a sign of the future of the Free Prayer Center!

Ministry Races Ahead In Spite of Snow

Yesterday we woke up to 8 inches of new snow! So obviously we were not going to be doing roadside Free Prayer! BUT, that did not stop the Free Prayer Ministry from happening. We started getting phone calls at 7:30 am until last night! The calls started coming in from all over the country.  We prayed with people with depression, cancer, migraines, fear, stress, worry, anxiety, healing, broken hearts and the list goes on! The Lord said go down the street and shovel out a neighbor. As I was finishing up she came out and we wound up praying and ministering to her on the porch in the snow! The Lord is bringing people from everywhere to receive prayer even on the days were not out! ALL THIS TO SAY!!!!! This isn’t about us!!!!! The Lord knows where you are at any given time!! He will be there for you anywhere at any time you need Him! Jesus LOVES YOU and He is never going to leave you alone for a moment. Weather on your porch in the snow or on your back porch in Arizona, or in the rain in Iowa, He is there for you!!!!! Jesus loves you and so do we!!!!!


We’ve had two days of snow but should be gone tomorrow! We were out Monday and had a few people from the church we attend stop for prayer! It’s getting pretty cold outside so we put up our banner and chairs and then go inside the glassed-in porch of the church at times to watch for cars pulling in. We are still praying for God to open any other doors He has for winter. We miss the Free Prayer Center in Storm Lake!

2nd Referral!

We are setting up all this week in the parking lot of Gateway of Praise. Yesterday had 3 people stop. One was the 2nd referral from a family that stopped one of the first times we set up on this spot!  She was crying when she stopped and said, “I’ve been looking for you!” She left with a huge grin on her face and all her stress and depression gone! She said she felt better than she had in a long time! TY, Lord!

On the Road Again

Emil is 95% recovered from the neck injury sustained last week so we will be back on the roadside tomorrow at the intersection of SH67 and Hwy 24 in the parking lot of Gateway of Praise church. At this point, it looks like this will be our winter set-up site.