We now have 109% of our fundraising goal! Our goal was to raise $8,000! We now have $8700 towards our new Mobile Free Prayer Center!!! Thank You Jesus and thank you to all of you who have given to the next new exciting adventure! The trailer was ordered and the two roof vents are being installed, an electric tongue jack is being installed, the trailer hitch and wiring harness are being delivered tomorrow, and they are installing a power wire in the Jeep to power the jack! We will be picking it up tomorrow December 17th in the afternoon!! We have ordered the wall mounted heater, the two burner gas stove with oven, the wood and door for the new bathroom to be installed, the propane tanks, lighting, and flooring We are going to have the outside wrapped with our Logo and HUGE yellow letters that say FREE PRAYER Roadside Ministry. Also a picture of our banner as well as our website and a Bible verse for commuters to read on the back of the trailer!! We are SOOO very excited as the Lord keeps saying, “This is bigger than you think” . We are so grateful to all of you who believe in what the Lord has called us to do! We will post pictures when we get the trailer and also as the work progresses! We expect to be out in our new Mobile Free Prayer Center in January!!!