Happy New Year!

Emil and I believe with all our hearts that 2019 is going to be a great year! It’s a new season, not just a new year. A word that came forth at a New Year’s Eve gathering was, “I will see to it that 2019 is your most startling year, days of reconstruction and continued rebirth. A year from now things are going to look a lot different!” No matter what is happening in the world, we are going to experience amazing and “startling” things, including breakthroughs for which we’ve been praying! Our expectations for this new year have been growing, especially in the last few weeks of 2018! God’s promises are true and He wants to fulfill them in our lives. Our words are so important. I love what George Pearsons said Sunday, ”This is a year of abundant harvest, in every area in which you have sown.” Then he said, “Expect abundant harvest on the good seed you have sown and declare crop failure on the negative seed you have sown.” I love that! We are watching our words this year because we have experienced more and more that we set our course by our words. Malachi 3:16 says, “Then those who feared the Lord talked with each other, and the Lord listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in His presence concerning those who feared the Lord and honored His name.” God hears what we say and blesses us accordingly. He wants to bless us! It’s His joy to bless us! My sister Colleen and I were talking this morning and she commented with joy and awe, “Every detail of God is so amazing!” It reminded me that no matter how much we think we know God, there is so much more we don’t know! This year we’re focusing on knowing Him better and better, on speaking words that sow good seed, on the unseen that God is orchestrating on our behalf, and on being aware of the awesome things He’s doing! We are already looking forward to looking back on 2019 and marveling at all He did! Happy New Year everyone!