We finally realized why we’re so busy! Summer in Iowa is fairly short! There is MUCH to be done outside during these few months. We live on 7 acres, 2 of which are trees, leaving 5 acres to maintain. In addition, we have 4 outbuildings, 2 of which we use right now. They ALL contain “stuff” left by the previous owner, stuff we need to go through–some looks antique-ish (maybe we could sell) and some looks firepit-ish. So after we come in from the roadside, the rest of the daylight hours are spent working on the most urgent projects! We prioritize and re-prioritize all the time–including what we can realistically get done this summer and what will have to wait until next summer…and possibly the next summer…and so on! In the midst of this, we are so grateful to God and constantly thank Him for positioning us in this house, on this property, in this community, with these people!