Exciting Day in Spencer

We set up in Spencer, Iowa yesterday at our usual site, The Commons parking lot, and were busy for 3 hours from the time we dropped the ramp on the trailer and put out the OPEN banner! We met 5 great people over that period of time and spent half of our time with a young couple who are not yet followers of Jesus…but will be soon! They have experienced many “Christians” through their retail jobs who advertised God on their shirts but left a bad taste in their mouths about Him. So sad and too common, but when they left, he said, “You’ve answered a lot of questions we’ve had about God, and thank you for taking the time to just talk with us and hear us.” The Lord had a word for each of them which they totally received. Each of them took one of our 90-day devotionals to get to know Jesus better. We expect to see them again when they are ready to ask Him into their hearts! Thank You, Lord.